Camp Directors
Documents > Multiple Listing Policy
MULTIPLE CAMPS UNDER A SINGLE LISTINGAlthough our listing structure has been designed to house a single camp location, you are welcome to try and reflect multiple camp locations under a single listing.
You are able to submit separate listings for distinctly different locations. Although a single camp location might offer multiple programs of significance, our database system has been designed to reflect all programs at the same location under a single camp listing.
Inclusion of a significant amount of duplicate text between two or more listings belonging to the same organization is prohibited. While it might be necessary to use some of the same language for marketing purposes, you are encouraged to provide as much unique information pertaining to each individual listing as possible.
Multiple listings reflecting the same (or similar) camp name, must also include the respective "City, Sate" location within the Camp Name field as follows:
Camp ABC (Eagle River, WI)
Camp ABC (Rhinelander, WI)
The addition of location information to the Camp Name is necessary to better allow visitors to more easily discern differences between listings of the same name in the context of search results. (Camp Channel, Inc.) reserves the right to update "Camp Name" listing information accordingly.
Multiple listings are prohibited from explicitly denoting (within the camp state and city fields) the specific locations of other active listings on You are welcome to mention other camp locations anywhere within your listing's descriptive text, but it is prohibited to add a location to any listing that causes our system to index and display multiple listings of duplicate content for the same city or state.
If you are going to submit multiple listings, it is necessary to complete the registration process individually for each additional listing so as each camp has it's own unique "camp profile".
There is currently a limit of 6 listings per organization for all new listings which adhere to our multiple listing policy. Please contact us if you have questions.
Listing applications which abide by our multiple listing policy will be reviewed and considered first. Multiple listing submissions which violate our policy may result in disqualification for inclusion on RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY APPLICATION AT OUR SOLE DISCRETION.
Last Updated: March 26, 2017